Institutional Welcome

On behalf of the Galician Consello Chambers, and on my own, I want to welcome you to our website.

The Galician Council is a public corporation created by Law 5/2004, 8th July, formed by the Galician Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Navigation, as a representative and coordinating body of the nine Chambers of Galicia, and as a consultative body and collaborator of the Galician Regional Administration (Xunta de Galicia).

The Council and the Galician Chambers, have as a common target: to defend globally in an integrated way, the interests of commerce, industry and navigation in Galicia. Our ambition is to be a social driving force of the Galician economy and the business community, responding to the demands that society poses, promoting entrepreneurship and enterprise creation and providing services that contribute to improve the competitiveness and internationalization of our companies.

Likewise, we are a valid interlocutor and a guiding thread for the public administrations, specially for the Galician Administration, collaborating and proposing whatever actions and measures necessary to achieve the objectives set, backed up by our knowledge of the industry and corporate sector.

We hope and wish that this website will be an effective tool in the dissemination of the important work being done by the Galician Chambers of Commerce and will help delivering the work and services they perform throughout Galicia.

José Garcia Costas

Galego Consello president of chambers.

© Consello Galego de Cámaras

C/ San Pedro de Mezonzo, 44- Bajo, 15702 Santiago de Compostela.

Teléfono: 981 596 120 Fax: 981 590 322

[email protected]